Hey! Thanks for stopping by. I will be posting here soon. I'll be writing about novels that I'm reading and sharing fiction samples. If you'd like to read these posts please subscribe to my blog in the widget in the sidebar (if you're on mobile go to the bottom of the page and tap "view web version" and you'll see it). And if you have a blog please please please let me know about it. I'd love to follow you!
About me: I'm a momma to six kiddos ages (currently) fourteen to eight months. I just started homeschooling my youngest couple of kids (turns out that is so much harder than I thought it would be!) I've been scribbling stories in notebooks and tapping them out in front of computer screens since I learned how to (barely) spell. I've been writing a blog since blogging became a thing - it's my outlet, the more stressed out I am the more I blog. This is my first attempt at a blog centered around fiction reading and writing so if you have any wisdom to share please do leave a comment, send me an email or leave a message for me on social media. You can connect with me on goodreads to see what I've been reading and to share what I should read next.

About me: I'm a momma to six kiddos ages (currently) fourteen to eight months. I just started homeschooling my youngest couple of kids (turns out that is so much harder than I thought it would be!) I've been scribbling stories in notebooks and tapping them out in front of computer screens since I learned how to (barely) spell. I've been writing a blog since blogging became a thing - it's my outlet, the more stressed out I am the more I blog. This is my first attempt at a blog centered around fiction reading and writing so if you have any wisdom to share please do leave a comment, send me an email or leave a message for me on social media. You can connect with me on goodreads to see what I've been reading and to share what I should read next.
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